Will you also speak ??
I think the plan (split diamond) has merits although no idea of the price tag.
Will you also be speaking for this plan?
It seems as you know the most if might be pertinent to also speak to support it.
- duster
- Respected Neighbor
- 161 Posts
My thoughts
I wanted to state that I agree with Bob Harding concerning our choices in a new interchange at either Allen Road or Pickerington Road. Clearly to me, the best of all worlds would be a Split Diamond configuration with bridges at both Pickerington Road and Allen Road.
1.Highway Right of ways. About 1968, I-70 was completed past route 256 and then on to connect with I-70 near Route 158. At that time there where no sewer or water service to our area. The development seemed to never come. Route 256 was a two lane road. Thirty years or so later the people of northern Violet Township needed another interchange onto and off of I-70 to help relieve the traffic problems created by the over loading of the I-70/ rt256 interchange. It was deemed too expensive. The problem by then was the purchase of the right of ways. Clearly the county and the township had not factored a second interchange into their dealing when they allowed zoning and homes to be built near I-70. So my first thought is that if there is a chance to get the right a way secured today or at least in the next 5 years then we should do so now. Will this land purchase now be wasted? The areas around Pickerington Road and Allen Road already have sewer and water service available to them. This area is the fastest growing area in central Ohio and it will not take 30 years before more growth is realized. Let?’s secure our future now. Let?’s ensure we have adequate access to and from our southern borders. Single bridges to day could be expanded easier in the future than no bridge or right of way in the future.
2.Pickerington Road is a direct route straight out of the City of Pickerington. The fire and rescue services are located on Lockville/Pickerington Road. Clearly a split diamond with service roads would maintain the current access to the highway both north and south of US 33. It would allow economic development of the Allen Road area. It would also allow access for the southern part of Pickerington to get out onto US 33.
3.It seems to me that ODOT is responsible for providing access to those 15 to 20 properties located along US 33 and between Allen Road and Pickerington Road. Obviously ODOT must make them whole. The service road idea would provide rear access to these properties.
4.The interchange at Allen would provide this community an opportunity to expand or at least develop an industrial park and or a business park both north and south of 33. Clearly the Township Trustees, the City of Pickerington and the County Commissioner must be working together to make this happen. Just as clear, the ones in office in Pickerington do not seem to have any air of cooperation about them. For this type of development I believe there needs to be new leadership in the Pickerington City Hall.
- duster
- Respected Neighbor
- 161 Posts
Thoughts continued
5.Although Pickerington Road will have more traffic in the future, the road is currently wide enough to have four lanes. There would be no need for more right of way purchases. To make this road a cul de sac at 33 would waste those preparations already spent. Like wise to make Allen Road a cul de sac would cut off a large area of Liberty Township and access to that area. ?“That area?” is also future economic growth for the County and Townships involved but also for the State. Clearly ODOT must weight the costs of providing roads for economic development when providing better access to Columbus for South Eastern Ohio. Many of the future tax payers filling the coffers of the State will be living and working right near these two roads.
6.I would urge everyone to attend the meeting on June 26th. I would think the best solution for this area is a split diamond interchange with bridges at both Allen and Pickerington Roads. The second solution would be a large interchange only at Allen Road. The third option would be an interchange only at Pickerington Road. The area citizens must make their thoughts and concerned known at this meeting.
Yes, but I am only one voice. We need many and the communities affected to get on board as well.