The school board passed their levy & now we can see their position statement agreeing with a controlled growth plan was only a sham.We have Wes
urging council to pass the CDA, which is written,
implemented,& controlled by the BIA.Then Wes states in the 8/18 Southeast Messenger he made it clear that the promised donation to PLSD from the
BIA would come from the sale of more homes. With
that 180 degree turnaround statement,the next time someone gets close to Wes, check to see if he has a forked tongue. Or maybe he has just been sleeping too close to lying Lou, our esteemed mayor. And the bull---- just keeps rolling!
By Watching & waiting
urging council to pass the CDA, which is written,
implemented,& controlled by the BIA.Then Wes states in the 8/18 Southeast Messenger he made it clear that the promised donation to PLSD from the
BIA would come from the sale of more homes. With
that 180 degree turnaround statement,the next time someone gets close to Wes, check to see if he has a forked tongue. Or maybe he has just been sleeping too close to lying Lou, our esteemed mayor. And the bull---- just keeps rolling!
By Watching & waiting