Who is ''us''?
Who is the ''us'' you refer to in she will take direction fron us? Sounds like a puppet.
Also I'd like to hear more about these focus groups - were they publicized or private?
By John
Keep Tuned to SE Messenger
Yes, keep tuned to SE Messenger and the candidates positions on issues.
You will be most impressed with Raymond's positions when the SE Messenger runs a special article just on Raymond. Raymond was the first candidate to respond via fax.
SE Messenger officials have some egg on their faces today.
By Park Place resident
example of waste
Why would she fax it and create extra work for the SE Messenger staff to type it over again, why not email it to them. Unless she likes to create ''make work'' efforts for staff people?
Yes, she appears to be a ''fine'' example of leadership and would fit in well with the clowns now running this school system!
By hey PPR
Raymond-Fine Example of Leader
The reason Raymond faxed her answers is the SE Messenger asked that they be faxed. Almost all of the candidates faxed their answers. Only Raymond faxed it the day she received the questionaire.
And, yes, we would agree Raymond is a fine example of leadership that Pickerington schools need, though she would not fit in well with some of the clowns in public office in the community.
By SE Messenger Staff