Since my sky is falling and I will have to find a new job, I decided today to pretend to be an ''ace reporter'' in hopes that maybe one of the papers might hire me and see my potential. I told them that I have been undercover for some time and really know that back alleys of this town I decided to show them that I knew where all the polling sites were and drove to each of them on city time (they don't mind if I don't work now) circled the parking lots of all and took pictures of all people voting in that precinct. I saw some people back behind the 100 foot limitation carrying signs of those who wish me ill. I also took great pictures of any and all children who were seen in the vicinity of the junior high school. YOu never know what their parents think of me. I know that they will be impressed that I got such good pictures of Lisa Reade and Jim Brink on the corner of 256 and 204. I also called my buddy Heitmeyer, who also wants to become an ace reporter. You see he will also have a hard time making a living because his entire house of cards is falling too. He also took pictures with his zoom lense of sign holders. We got together after the rush hour and decided that we needed to do one last thing before I am fired and called the police chief and told that that these people needed to be arrested under City Code X)@#$!$. That is the code that heretofore has allowed me to do whatever the bleep I wanted to do. ha ha. I told the officer that they were being disruptive and aggressive. I don't know why I heard laughter in the background when I called the police chief. It's not funny! I plan to bring my new pics to the City council meeting tonight so that Jennifer and Mike can see what a great reporter I will be. I can't wait.
By Joyce ace reporter Bushman
By Joyce ace reporter Bushman