This one is for YOU!
A hearty thank you for all the long hours, hard work and YEARS of effort with very little recognition. I know it?’s not much, but you have made me a believer! Democracy and activism can work, even here in Pickerington, Ohio! Wishing you many well wishes and kudos. You are both professional and classy people!
Thanks JB
Thanks for dropping pebbles in the pond with me four years ago...the ripples are still being felt.
We were only two, they said we misled, then there were more than a few, and they said ''they are messin' with your heads''....
Now they have no choice but to get it.
get even more democracy....
Well the potential for change in a positive direction is open.
Let me give you a little peek at some of what happened out west last night.
1. The citizens of the next community got to vote on whether they (THE CITIZENS) approved an annexation.
2. In one town a Mayor got recalled over a $100,000.00 issue showing his inability to govern.
3. In another town a Councilmember got recalled over numerous issues of not listening to citizens.
4. School board meetings, County Commissioner meetings and City Council meetings are televised to keep people better informed.
5. Complete minutes of all are available on websites.
Wide open government for the citizens..... appears folks there are getting closer.
By Bob Harding