These I know
I am aware that current City COuncilman Mitch O'Brien is running and also a man from Planning and Zoning named Tory Kramer. They were both in the Violet Festival parade handing out literature, shaking hands and making a good impression asking for votes. Obviously we all know what a terrific job Mitch has done if we pay attention at all. He writes great columns in the papers and in the news stories he seems lucid, articulate and both supporting the current administration and making a difference on his own. Additionally, he has introduced legislation that will have a long term positive impact on this city and community at-large.
Mr. Kramer, whom I haven't met, has apparently made an impression on the council majority. I spoke to Mitch at the Violet Festival and he had a lot of great things to say about Tory. He has also won the support of the council majority. Best part is, like Mitch, Tory is just a regular guy like us. One of us with kids in the schools, a regular job and facing the same issues you and me do every day. Unlike us though, he has decided to stand up and take on these issues first-hand as a councilman. I look forward to getting to know him better.
Mitch also mentioned there were two other candidates ready to announce that he supported wholeheartedly and was sure they were in the process of winning the support of his councilmates. He supposed that he should let them make their intentions known in their own time rather than steal any of their thunder.
We have ''Four for Four'' seats this time on council.
By Parade Attendee