NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: Sept. 26, 2005, 6:30pm ?– 7:30pm
Speakers on Southern Delivery System and the RTA $.01 sales tax
Our last meeting ?– was unavoidable due to circumstances beyond my control, the school was unusable; 1. No air, 2. Rewiring, 3. Paint fumes, 4. Equipment in the gym,(full). I found out to late to stop progress or notify people. I apologize for the inconvenience it caused, I accept full responsibility for this situation and will try to avoid any future situations.
A. We need volunteers to assume responsibility for projects in our community
B. Need to set goals, projects, activities for us to help bring in more people from our neighborhood.
C. Projects to get kids involved, Scouts, ROTC.
D. Get businesses involved for support
E. Ideas to improve our neighborhood????
F. Bring your Ideas to the meeting.
We need to stay together and not give up on anything that helps to keep our area together. If you have any information it can be given to me if you are unable to attend on matter how small or how large.
Contacts: Glenn, 632-6143 or Frank, 473-8043