Palmetto HOA in Canterberry Crossing

Dust Control

Posted in: Black Forest Estates

Just want to get some information out there about the application of dust control chemicals to our gravel roads. The chemical of choice for Douglas county is magnesium chloride, the same chemical used on roads for deicing. You may have observed the dieing pine trees along the western end of Inspiration Drive. The steep hill on that section of road is heavily sprayed with mag chloride in the winter to prevent accidents. The tires of passing vehicles causes the liquid to vaporize and then drifts into the surrounding trees. This vapor is almost as toxic to the pine trees as weed killer.

If you have traveled on Bronco Drive which runs east from Piney Lake Road you have seen ponderosas dead or dieing, many have already been cut down. Since nearly all of the dead trees are adjacent to the road it is obvious something about the road is to blame. Mag chloride has been applied to that road for at least 4 years, I am uncertain exactly when it was first applied. 

If Douglas County decides to apply dust control to any more of our roads I hope you will join me in asking them to not do so.

The chemical companies and county engineers will tell you there is no evidence that Mag Chloride kills trees but Colorado State University did a study that shows just the opposite, see link below.

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