Let's focus on the problem

Posted in: San Gabriel
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  • sgres
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Tucson, AZ
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Oops ... I messed up ... our streets are about 27 feet in width ... not 22.

Yeah Bev the streets are an average of 27 feet. I think a large issue here is also that the ticketing seems to just be focusing on cars on the easements. But if the reason for not being able to park is to allow a safe passage for pedestrian traffic then where are the tickets for those whom have landscaping to the curb in fron of thier homes? They are breaking the law the same as the illegal parkers. I do not think the city needs the full 14 feet of easement for a sidewalk. But the issue is the selecting out of certain individuals.

I think what the majority of people I have talked to would like to do is to disolve the association as it has no real means for existing.

Last year there were 21 people at a meeting where the motion was made to disband the association due to complaints being called in to law enforcement officials, allegedly by members of the board then. A representative from ward 6 said it may be a bad idea to disband the association at that time.

The second meeting held in March of 2007 as the meeting minutes say, was stuffed by the association with 38 new members and had a total of 52 people in attendance. The meeting minutes claim that 42 members voted with zero opposing votes to not disolve the board. If there were 52 members in attendance but only 42 voted how did the other 10 members of the association vote? Were they outsiders in the association meeting to get out of the weather? I have spoke with a couple people who have said the vote the cast was not counted.

Seeing as the meeting had a great increase in attendance when the issues were to disolve the board it would reason to me that some must have wanted to get rid of the association otherwise the issue would have never been raised. Are the board members guilty of overlooking votes to keep thier positions on the association?

The newsletter states "That over the past three years there have been no major issues in the meetings so people stopped coming to the meetings." They also stated that "The association is not set up to be a sheriff, monitor plants etc..." The newsletter conveyed this information from the city to the residents.

We all know that the neighborhood association is acting as a defacto/sheriff police force by calling in 6 sweeps of the neighborhood by parkwise. Parkwise officials themselves have stated that the person said they were a board member. They would not offer names, but said the person on the phone gave thier board position and name in the call. The sweeps are selectively enforcing parking regulations which no one was warned about. According to parkwise they came out the first time and did a sweep and warned the people in violation that "next time" they would be cited. The problem is the whole neighborhood wasnt warned only those in violation at that time. If you were at work or away you didnt hear the new regulations that were about to be thrust upon your neighborhood.

The neighborhood association is acting as an arm of the City of Tucson, and are acting as a secret society whom will not disclose who certain members are or other forms of information.

There is no QUORUM requirement specified in the bylaws which is required per registration guidelines adopted by Mayor & Council, July 6, 1992. Which means they have no legal right under state law to represent your neighborhood. They are not a legal entity!

Since they stated themselves in our newsletter that there are no major issues in the last 3 years in the neighborhood, then what do they exist for?  To harrass our hard working neighbors and retirees? To selectively single out those they do not like and call the parkwise nazis to pass tickets out in this hard economic state were in right now? I do not know about you but 60 dollars is something that I hate to have to part with. Especially for something the guy with prickly pear cactus out to the curb is also guilty of.

If the city wants pedestrians to walk on the sidewalk they need to build a sidewalk. If the members of the association want to pass out tickets they need to do so without bias and ticket all guilty members. I have seen some of thier cars illegaly parked as well. But do I call? Nope it isnt hurting me, and even more important it isnt any of my business. Thy own the home they park infront of so let them park where they want.

There is a meeting coming and if you are as tired of the antics of your neighborhood association as your neighbors are then lets VOTE TO DISBAND THE ASSOCIATION and get back to peacefull life without pointless spying and tattle tale mentallity. Its for grade school kids, maybe thats why it is a former grade school teacher executing the orders ;)

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  • jonaswendy
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Tucson, AZ
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  I have no idea who you are nor do I know how you know who I am, as I have never met you as far as I can recall. " Ron" is your name? I would like to speak to you personally but since I don't even know where you live, I guess this is the next best thing. First of all I have no idea how my name got dragged into this mess but now I know for sure it was you. I want to send a clear a precise message that whoever you are, I have no involvement with any issues you may be having with parking violations. I have not reported ANYONE for ANY parking issue. I don't have that kind of spare time. I am not the parking police nor do I care to be. I have never gone around taking pictures of anyone parking anywhere. I would like the names of those who you claim saw me because I am at a total and complete loss as to why they would say that, if they in fact did. Although I am coming to believe that it is in fact you making this all up because you received some warnings or tickets or whatever. None of my immediate neighbors received any violations so i am not sure what you are talking about there.  I can't imagine why anyone would be so down-right nasty. I have spent many hours of my time volunteering for the neighborhood assoc. My husband is the webmaster for the websites. We are here to help the neighborhood, not cause conrtoversy and problems. We have worked to keep the neighbrhood informed of important issues that effect all of us. If you were at the last meeting you would have learned that Parkwise was our guest speaker BECAUSE residents had already complained at the previous meeting that they had recieved violations and warnings from parkwise. So you see, we have tried to educate residents and warn them that Parkwise had been in our neighbrhood and that they needed to familiarize themselves with the parking laws. Maybe if the people who have had issues would have come to the meeting and voiced their concerns rather than point the finger, we could have been well on our way to a solution. Instead we are all wasting energy in a not so positive and productive way aren't we?  

  • Stock
  • jonaswendy
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Tucson, AZ
  • 7 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
 OK, This must have been posted by Jerry. Based on the 2 hour phone conversation I had with you, obviously you have your own ideas about everything. There is soooo much you have wrote here that is totally wrong that I just can't hash it out with you anymore. I don't know how many times I have to say it, THE NEIGHBORHOD ASSOC NEVER NEVER NEVER CALLED PARKWISE TO DO "SWEEPS". Good grief. Can't we spend our precious time working toward a solution to this problem? I just can't deal with anyone who is so combative so work with me here. Tell me what you would like to see changed ( in writing ) and we can try to get a sarting point here.
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