Man oh Man...the streets around me and some friends seem to be loaded with these formerly nice places and going to seed and our neighborhoods too...We need to deal with it now before it blows us all up.
How about these foreclosures in Pawtucket?
We are dealing with it in different ways, but we will address it at the March 11th meeting at Oak Hill Nursing Home, so all are welcome to talk to the officials and the police too to report the empty places and problems. See you at 7pm Tuesday. Note that there is a April Summit planned on these foreclosures.
Somehow this popped up on the talk...but it seems to be ready to hit again with more don't be surpised. A real bummer for neighbors as well as the city that still has to pick up the pieces from banks that kick everyone out and hope the places burns down and still do not register the property with the new deed filing and thus the city collects no taxes and yet has to outlay support or clean up dollars and neighbors must live with this....Call the city if you have any concerns whether the Mayors office or code enforcement. Happy Holidays for now for all |