- benochs
- Respected Neighbor
- 11 Posts
The HOA Board would like to hear from the residents about what amenities they would like to see at Glenmuir Park. If you have an idea or want to voice your opinion for an added amenity in Glenmuir, here is the place to do so. We look forward to reading your input.
Front Lighting & other things
We belive that before anything new is
done to Glenmuir the lighting that has never worked correctly should be fixed right. There are several driveways that consist of things like barbecues and carts that attach to the back of a rider lawnmower. They have been there for weeks, if not months. What is being done about these things? Also what is
being done about the sign, if you want
to call it that, advising the homeowners of the monthly meetings? An enclosed sign at the gate was suggested and would look a lot nicer that what has been used for years. This is something that was not found on the recent survey about improvements. It should have been. There may be something
in the works already about this but I have no knowledge of that at this time.I just know it has been talked about several times months and months
We put a sign in front about a dog we found and it was removed within about 12 hours. We were not going to leave it there for long. We had a plan in place but were lucky enough to find the dog's home without the help of the board on this one. It's a shame that you cannot do something humane in this neighborhood but you can leave junk in the driveway for months at a time. We were going to remove the sign by the end of the weekend but weren't given a chance.
- benochs
- Respected Neighbor
- 11 Posts
Front Lighting & Other Things
Thanks a bunch for your input. I agree with you on the signage for having meeting notices, etc. We have our management company researching this. When you see these type of things where homeowners leave things out in front of their house, just call Sutherland Mgmt at 407-774-7262 x110 and leave him the house information and he'll take care of that. The lighting at Glenmuir should currently be in good working order, and if it's not, please explain in detail. We just had Palmer out to fix all the uplights. The only exception is the flourescents shining on the Glenmuir Name, which is currently being addressed. Hope all is well, and thank you so much for your input about your neighborhood.
last year's voting
We would like to hear the results of last year's voting on amenities for our neighborhood.
By jai