East Van Buren was the location for prostitutes for years in Phoenix. For the past several years 27th Avenue; along Indian School up to Northern has been a hot spot for prostitutes.
Slowly but surely neighbors and their associations and blockwatches and slowed down their business with police stings and constant observation.
There are still people who think that prostitution should be legalized. What do you think?!
Do you think there's a problem with prostitution? Do you think it's centralized to these neighborhoods?!
It's not!
Tell us your views.
By Glen Canyon Vista N'Hood Assoc.
Slowly but surely neighbors and their associations and blockwatches and slowed down their business with police stings and constant observation.
There are still people who think that prostitution should be legalized. What do you think?!
Do you think there's a problem with prostitution? Do you think it's centralized to these neighborhoods?!
It's not!
Tell us your views.
By Glen Canyon Vista N'Hood Assoc.