I have attached a copy of an email that I sent to the owner and developer of the above referenced property. The project for which he is completing the final submission requirements is a two-story duplex (unit A 2001 sq. ft. including the garage, and unit B 1916 sq. ft. including the garage). It might be useful if someone from the association contacts him to set up a meeting to review the project. The property is owned by HomePro Phoenix, LLC, 1500 E Bethany Home Rd, #130, Phoenix, AZ 85014, (602) 266-0808. I know that there are folks that have expressed concern regarding this proposed project.
We do not yet have a hearing scheduled, but will inform you once we do. Please let me know if you have any questions or if someone from the association would like to view the plans.
Erika Finbraaten, M.A.
Historic Preservation Planner
City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office
200 West Washington Street, 17th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: (602) 262-4076
Fax: (602) 534-4571
Email: erika.finbraaten@phoenix.gov
Website: www.phoenix.gov/HISTORIC
----- Forwarded by Erika Finbraaten/MGR/PHX on 02/01/2006 10:51 AM -----
Erika Finbraaten
02/01/2006 10:51 AM
To: terry@tlewisinvestments.com
Subject: 307 W Hazelwood Street
In preparation for your hearing regarding this property, I would like to suggest that you contact the neighborhood association so that you can get on their schedule and present your project to them. We have found that this often helps with projects such as this that are likely to encounter some resistance. The association can offer suggestions of ways in which the project could fit into their neighborhood better. Here is the contact information.
Pierson Place Association
198 W. Mariposa St., #7
Phoenix, AZ 85013
(602) 359-5095 (Charley Jones)
E-mail: PiersonPlace@cox.net
Erika Finbraaten, M.A.
Historic Preservation Planner
City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office
200 West Washington Street, 17th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: (602) 262-4076
Fax: (602) 534-4571
Email: erika.finbraaten@phoenix.gov
Website: www.phoenix.gov/HISTORIC
Email us
Historic Preservation Planner website