I talked to SHPO and HP regarding the process for the tax reduction. Here is the process.
First the property needs to get declared on the National Registry. This is not a speedy process. The City is currently in the process of making the application for Pierson Place along with 10 other districts. (some have been waiting for 3 years) They can’t complete the process until they have funding and funds won’t be available until the 2006 fiscal year (after July). At that time the survey and application will be processed and sent to SHPO and the National Trust. After we are declared on the National Registry each individual homeowner would need to apply for the tax reduction. It is a simple application. Only houses that are contributing will be able to get the deduction. And they said it is around 30-50%. Some requirements are made such as sending in photos of the house every 3 years to assure the house is still in compliance.
My contact said it will probably 2-3 years before we will be able to receive the credit.