1. Block Watch Signs have been installed at Rowen & Dewberry and 75th Street and Dewberry. Many THANKS to Catherine Mullins for getting the city?’s attention and making this happen!
2. Thirteen security lockbox mailboxes have been installed in the neighborhood. Many THANKS to Don VanderWerf for his custom design, installation and hard work! Note: Don has also ensured that the mailboxes are U.S. Postal Service approved; in fact they want to use his design in future mailbox installations!
3. Outside living termites have invaded on the south side of Dewan Avenue; they are spreading, so beware! Call your preferred pest control company for information on treatment/protection from termites.
4. Residential burglaries have occurred on Pueblo.
5. Mail has been stolen out of unsecured mailboxes on Diamond.
6. Speed bump installation require $$ contribution from the neighborhood, a traffic analysis, and if analysis approved, even more $$.