I am in complete agreement with you Melissa. I have read "since90s" comments and other like them and wonder how great the neighborhood would be if they would get out from behind their computers and work to really resolve these issues they seem to be so passionate about. I see so much anger and disrespect in many of the comments and find it really sad. It is real easy to complain about what the RTHA is doing or not doing but I think they would be really surprised at how much work goes into it and trying to please so many people is just impossible. We have a problem with HURTFUL, COSTLY crime in this neighborhood but there is way more talk about the ATV problem and the pond rules in these discussions. I think COPS and the RTHA are doing a great job and the only thing that would make it better is for people to quit complaining and give a helping hand! I really love our neighborhood and hope more people will come together to make a difference instead of trying to tear it apart!
Trailer stolen
You know - I do not have a problem with the COPS program...now...that I have found out a certain individual no longer represents the COPS Program which is a good thing because he was giving it a bad reputation. I understand there is crime here - GO COPS Program. However, unless you are one of the neighbors who have been involved in the ATV and the Pond issue, then you have no idea why we are upset with RTHA and a gentleman that lives in our neighborhood. All of this could have been dealt with and compromises made to make a more peaceful result. However, drastic measures were taken against neighbors which included this gentleman and the RTHA (depending on what day you ask). And just so you know, a lot of us have been trying to resolve issues that upset us but information from RTHA has proven to be incorrect and / or changes with their next post. Please, do not tell me to stop complaining if you do not have a clue what I am complaining about. Also, it might bring more people together if you weren't calling the complainers..... the problem. Geeze... |
Thanks for the call out MM. Hmmm...... time on my hands, it's all based on perception. If I sit under my computer for a couple hours throughout the day, no different than many people plopping down on the couch and watching the news/ballgame. Unfortunatley my schedule doesn't permit that. When you say something about what I'm passionate about, I do put forth a great deal of time and energy toward my family. It's good to have a teen that tries to find ways to spend with his father. These days, too many parents don't spend time with the kids. One of the things we have been doing since he was 7 was ride ATVs. Until recently, it was "Hey dad, let's go out to the woods for an hour." Alas, no more. Now it must be planned. Load up everything, drive 50+ miles, just to ride in an area like our own back yard. A place people have been going for the past 20 years. All stopped because of 1 neighbor, a friend of NPO, and an individual who presented himself as a member of COPs, another friend of NPO. I haven't completely discounted the idea of joining your group. A big problem is through the years, knowing COP members, non-members, and police officers, there has always been the same stigma. As an officer put it, "There are too many Barney Fife wannabe's out there who think they are the law." Your post sounded refreshing, made me think about it. It would have been nice if HOA would not have been trying to represent your group and handing out incorrect/contradictory information from the beginning. As far as who I am. I'm not going to put all my personal info out there to the world. Wouldn't be good for everybody to know my schedule, family, friends,... that's why it's called personal. I'll be in touch with you again soon, and maybe suprise you. WOW, I had a thought about the whole mess: What if 50+ ATV's/cycles all signed up to patrol the streets on their bikes? What a picture that would be, complete with orange flags. |
Hey anytime Since90's! Since90's i'm not directing this to you personally, i'm just commenting on the forums as a whole... Maybe I should not be so sensitive (whatever?). These forums just sometimes get a little "under my skin" if you know what I mean. And I have a hard time keeping tight lipped. Most things that come out are not very politically correct and sometimes sting people although that is not always my intent. That's why I try and stay away. But, I also want to help out in areas that I can so I'm trying to actively and positively participate. But, rather than being a productive community/neighborly forum it becomes this coward/lazy way of complaining and pinpointing out all that's wrong rather than right and doing nothing about it. It allows individuals to actively avoid taking ownership and personal dedication to what they believe. It's like.. "Hi! I'm not going to tell you my name or meet you to discuss my concerns, possible solutions and how I can help but, look how wrong this is and let me tell you about it over and over. Let me tell the world but do nothing else." There is alot of energy generated in these forums but, it needs to be redirected. Directed in a way that will make a difference and then we can go post the positive outcomes. There's a bunch of fingerpointing, misinformation, skewered information and so on. And most all parties are guilty in some form or fashion including me. But, the real question is how do we correct it? How do we get all these issues back on the right track? It's not all going to happen via a forum. And there's not enough active volunteers in this neighborhood to clean out half a horse stall much less fix all the issues that are brought to this board and dumped expecting Jeanie to twinkle her nose. Well, here's my personal vow.... Going forward, If I post information on this forum answering a specific question that I do not know as a matter of fact, I will always post my source. And, I promise, If you do not want the truth, don't ask me. I do want my neighbors to know who I am. I'm your neighbor and the more of you I know, the better I feel. I chose to live here with all of you. And, I knew I was going to have differences with a few. And that's okay, I'm still going to look out for you and yours and I hope that you all do the same for me and mine.