April 5, 2009
Dear friends,
The Christian Community Soup Kitchen at Park Place Congregational Church in downtown Pawtucket set an all time high mark for attendance with 97 adults and children serviced on Saturday, March 28. A spokesman for the group, Mary Rose, said most of the clients had not been seen before.
The soup kitchen, which has been in operation in Pawtucket and Central Falls since 1996, usually serves 12-40 people per week. The April 4 attendance at the soup kitchen "fell" to 40 clients.
The Christian Community Soup Kitchen is open to the public every Saturday from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, contact Janet at 723-8318 or Mary Rose at 726-2800.
By the way, does anyone know how WIC, Food Stamps, welfare checks and other social service monies are distributed. I heard not all government social program money is distributed at the first week of the month any more. Is this true? Please help me with this question.