Neighborhood Appearance
Hi everyone. I am new to the Monterrey Village website and wish i had known about this discussion board long ago. It doesnt look like anything has been posted in a while and i hope that doesnt mean people are losing faith. There was a discussion back in February about the fact that our neighborhood is starting to look like crap. Yards are overgrown, sidewalks are not edged and the streets cant seem to stay free of cars parked on it. Im not exactly sure what the best step is, but i do know that our association prohibits these types of encumbrances. I plan to address these issues to our president, who will probably just delegate it back to me, but maybe that will be a start. I also wanted to make an offer to homeowners in our neighborhood ONLY: if you have trouble keeping up with your lawn but have the desire to, i will do it for 20 dollars. Mow edge and weedeat. i am not doing this because i want or need any more money, i am just concerned about my properties value. By the way, i dont think you can make much for that cheap. if you are someone who has the means to mow your own lawn and do so regularly, please reserve my offer for others who truely need it simply because i am unsure how many people will respond. and, to anyone who reads this, pass it along to those who you may think need the offer. Please only people in MONTERREY VILLAGE. Thanks for reading and i hope this lights a fire in at least a few people who want to make a difference. oh yeah, for enquiries about the mowing, email me>> |
Joel: I looked forward to meeting you at the Annual Meeting but didn't have the opportunity. We need someone with your energy to help Rob Banda with the Covenants Committee. He said he called you but I am not sure if you ever got together. The web page is good but many owners seem to be unaware of its existence although our Welcome Packets mention its address and suggest that they look it over and take advantage of this free service. I agree that the neighborhood can get tacky at times but we have been sending letters for years to owners and management companies but they only just go so far. There is a process for sending a Courtesy Reminder first, then a Second Notice and then a Certified Letter and then fines can be invoked if the person refuses to comply but the committee and Board tries to be reasonable. The comments from the past on this link were from other neighborhoods, not Monterrey Village, but it just goes to show that your Association is not alone in having members who fail to keep up community standards. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Dee McGee, PCAM, 735-8181 Monterrey Village HOA Community Manager |
Anyone can help keep our neighborhood clean and in compliance with the Monterrey Village HOA rules and guidlines. I am not a member of the HOA but I have kept up with things that happen. Reporting problems in the neighborhood is the last thing I want to do. I simply don't have time for that stuff but it must be done. It's as simple as taking photos of the problem and enclosing them in either a letter or an e-mail to the HOA. Once they respond to your concern, you can be assured that they will bring up the matter with the person who is not in compliance with community standards. For instance, I have had problems with trash blown onto our yards. I know that it's not our trash but I pick it up to prevent my neighbors from thinking we did that. I completely understand that nature causes it. I don't belive I have a "Litter Bug" outside my lawn setting us up. Also, it would be nice if pet owners kept their pets either in their house or in the back yard. When walking their pet, they should take a trash bag and gloves and pick up what their critter leaves behind. I have many problems with pet doo in our front yard. The only thing I can do is wait till it dries then pick it up and trash it.