P.O. BOX 1712
Minutes of 23 August 2000
Meeting called to order by Leroy Nunn, 7 pm at Desert Mountain Elementary School.
The minutes of the 1 December meeting were read and accepted.
The report of the Treasurer advised that our August bills are paid and there is $931.26 remaining in our account. The 3rd Quarter dues statements were mailed August 21, 2000. There are 15 members in arrears totaling $1790.00. A discussion of the situation followed. A vote passed that beginning January 1, 2001 a $25.00 fine will be applied for each quarter a lot is in arrears for dues, including dues from 1999-2000. The report of the treasurer was accepted.
There was a discussion about requirements for people to be officers. There is a vacancy for Vice-President. Currently officers serve 1 year. A suggestion was brought up that terms be longer and/or staggered so that there is some continuity in the board. No action was taken. Criteria for serving as an officer was discussed. Two criteria were generally agreed upon: that they not be in arrears in dues nor in violation of any CC&R?’s.
The current board asked that individuals who would like to serve as an officer submit a statement stating their qualifications, experience and some biographical information so that the membership can get to know them. Please send this to Marjorie Burnell, 22884 S. 194th St. QC, 85242 by September 20, so the statements can be included in the next Meeting notice.
The next meeting will be Wednesday October 4, 2000.
There is a Homowner?’s Association Leadership College available for those interested in learning how to run an association. As there are only 59 homes in our association, we expect that each of us will serve some how. If you are interested in this opportunity call Marjorie.
We have some problems with the watering system on 196th street. George Renner is heading a work party Sunday August 27 at 7:30am, anyone is welcome. Gophers have eaten into the watering system and the estimate to put in a proper watering system is $10,000.00 which we cannot afford.
We have a problem with weeds on the equestrian trail. Leroy is negotiating with Circle G to combine efforts to keep this weed free. There are 13 lots with uncontrolled weeds. Two letters have been sent to owners of these lots. After the August 31st deadline, we will turn over the names of owners who have ignored their obligation for legal prosecution by the town of Queen Creek.
We have experienced vandalism with a street light. It is an SRP feature but there is a back-log and it may not be fixed for a while. Also, one speed limit sign and one street sign have been bent. If you have any information about this call Leroy.
We have had some unpleasant experiences with our ?‘architecual committee?’. We are requesting a log from Mr. John Stocker showing what has been submitted, when it was submitted and what action was taken for each existing house or ones currently under construction. There is concern that members are not receiving information nor approvals nor disapprovals in a timely manner.
The meeting was closed at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Marjorie Burnell
R. Leroy Nunn, President 480-888-9097
Karen Winter, Treasurer 480-888-0116
George Renner, Member-at-large 602-833-3912
Marjorie Burnell, Secretary, 480-888-9418