Addressing Current Neighborhood Concerns

Posted in: Copper Grove

      As current board president, I thought I would take this opportunity to address someneighborhood concerns that have arisen. It obvious that no one likes being told
when they have to do something. I, myself, agree; however, I also understand
that people need to be encouraged to make necessary updates to keep our
neighborhood looking uniform. Many of you have stated that our covenants do not
state anything about mailbox posts.  As stated in the covenants Section 9 paragraph (i) Mailboxes:  All Mailboxes installed upon Lots shall be uniform and shall be of a type, color and manufacture approved by the Architectural Review Board. Such mailboxesshall be installed upon posts approved as to type, size and location by the
Architectural Review Board. 
I realize that many of you want to have your own interpretation of the covenant, but if we didn’t tell our residents to paint their mailbox posts aspecific color, we would have some that are painted blue, green, white, and other colors as we have had in the past. How will our neighborhood look if we have multiple paint colors on our mailbox post? The cost of the paint was
mentioned as a concern. A quart of the paint costs $21.99 (or have them price
it under Baurley Painting and you can get it for $18.29) and there is enough to
paint 3-4 mailbox posts.  A gallon of the paint can be purchased for $58.99 (or have them price it under Baurley Painting and you can get it for $40.99) and there is enough to paint approx. 12 mailboxes. Neighbors can go together to but they paint and it will cost you no more than $5-$8 per person.  While this paint is not the cheapest, it is a brand of paint with a lifetime guarantee (meaning you won't be asked to do this again). You are more than welcome to use a cheaper brand of paint of the same color, but it will potentially need painted again in the near future. Obviously, if your mailbox post was painted last year with the appropriate color, it will not need painted again this year.  The Board's goal is to keep our neighborhood looking like one of the more "well-kept" neighborhoods around, one in which people will want to buy into and hopefully maintain our home values. I think that you all would also agree that the neighborhood looked much nicer last summer after all of the mailboxes were updated with the appropriate type and font style.

           The same newsletter that has prompted many of you to express your concerns also contained a section that invited interested individuals to inquire about joining the Board as we are needing additional members. To date, I have not received one inquiry about anyone interested in joining the Board or helping with its many duties. If you are unhappy with the way the Board conducts itself, would this be a way for some of you to have an input? Or better yet, were any of you at our last annual meeting to express your neighborhood concerns? Furthermore, to clarify, the HOA is not hoarding money. We are currently in the process of updating street signs, installing a fence along some of the common areas, etc. The Board (all three members) has also been going to great lengths to save the neighborhood money. For example, we installed the new fence at the end of Pantina, planted additional bushes/plants, sprayed weeds, cleaned out the entrance flower beds, and we will be installing the new street signs ourselves, just to name a few. By doing these projects ourselves, we have sacrificed countless hours of our own time and saved the neighborhood hundreds of dollars. I would be more than happy to hire all of these projects out, saving us valuable time to spend with our families, but then we would be accused of wasting money.  Regarding repairsof our streets, this is not one of the HOA responsibilities.  Board members, as well as other informed residents, realize that our streets belong to the City of Indianapolis.  Therefore, it is the City’s responsibility to maintain and repair all streets.  If you have any street concerns, you can contact the appropriate department with the City of Indianapolis.

          Being a Board member is a thankless job. As with any job that deals with the public, it is impossible to make everyone happy. We try our best to keep the neighborhood functioning at a minimal cost, while keeping it looking aesthetically pleasing. Here is my challenge to everyone who is anti-HOA: become a Board member, learn what it takes to run a neighborhood, become informed about the Board's intentions as they aren't out to get everyone as assumed, spend some of your personal time to lend a hand to help complete all of these neighborhood projects, and try to get people involved who only want to criticize. Here is my email (, I will be awaiting all responses from those of you who are now willing to take an active
role in this community.

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  • squeekywheel
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Indianapolis, IN
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It says that they will be made of like material. You have lost one already. Get a life and quit trying to rule over your neighnors.

Are peoples self worth so low that the only way to make them feel big is to imposr their will on their neighbors?

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  • squeekywheel
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Indianapolis, IN
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

I tried to se

A neighborhood will run itself. It is not your
responsibility to tell people when to do anything. We have a handful of years and this HOA will be no more. My guess is you should take that into consideration. The homeowners you are alienating are the same ones who will vote
to disban the HOA.
John McMillan

nd you a private E-Mail but I am not going to add an E-Mail account just to reply to you. Herre was the content.



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  • squeekywheel
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • 122 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Woops, got pasted into the wrong place.


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