Quince Orchard Knolls Citizens Assn.

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You guys should put a sidewalk in your neighbohood for walkers and bikers. more
Started: January 6th 2007Replies: 1

Junk removal

Hello friends and neighbors, My name is Andrea and I am a 20 year old college student in the neighborhood. My classmates recently started a neighborhood friendly Junk Removal and Hauling business.... more
Started: June 11th 2020Replies: 0


You are invited to Dawn  Eury's 2nd Creation  Celebration Art Show fundraising event for The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkison's Research.  6 million people worldwide live with... more
Started: October 23rd 2019Replies: 0

Quince Orchard Knolls Citizens Assn. Real Estate and Home Values

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6 Tips To Sell Your Home in a Down Market
Forsale Times have changed and unlike a few years ago, it is not easy to sell a home in today's depressed real estate market. If you are not in a position to stay in your home and "wait out the storm", you must be...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Pets and Asthma
Petsthumb Your pet's dead skin flakes, urine, feces, saliva and hair can trigger asthma. Dogs, cats, rodents (including hamsters and guinea pigs) and other mammals can trigger asthma in individuals with an allergic...
Tags: HomeownerHealthStaff Pick
What happens when guests are hurt on HOA property?
Fall We have talked about what would happen if a guest damages HOA property, but what happens if a guest gets injured on HOA property? What happens if the guest sues the HOA? In such a case, the injured individual ...
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