Hey on the early morning of November 26th a car in my driveway was broken into. They stole my sisters purse (the one time she leaves her purse in her car) They shattered the window and threw her purse in a neighbors yard. Took her wallet. Just warning people has anyone else seen any bad behavior or knows anything let me know please.
Is there any way we can get any more information about this rather than leaving people wondering if it happened on their street or in the driveway of the house behind them? I noticed that it was not posted until over at least 13 hours after ir got daylight. Why post it at all if it is "old news" and practically void of facts. Did you call the police so they can watch for the "bad behavior" that you mentioned? Did you inform Neighborhood Watch? Do you know what Neighborhood Watch is?
Why stir people up or put some in fear? What are you going to do if someone does tell you about "bad behavior" as you call it? Methinks that is the job for the police to gather crime scene information. You did call them, didn't you?
Come on folks, let's work together - this crime stuff is going to get worse unless we put out the word COLLECTIVELY loud and clear that we are a community that works together to stay safe. If a cranky old biddie like me can be part of Neighborhood Watch, everyone can. I even surprised myself and my husband when I got all dressed up to go to that meeting last summer, but I am in. I just volunteered to be an alternate block captain or something like that.
More information please.