We are buying a home in oakleaf hammock and will be moving in about 3 weeks. We have a child in elementary school and I am concerned about the schools. I went to the Manatee District website and it said that the school was Blackburn. After researching this school, it is rated a "C" school with only about 55% of students passing the FCAT. I did see that there are several other options, there is an Imagine School and school choice. However, with us moving in the middle of the school year, I think he'll have to attend the neighborhood school. Does anyone have their kids in either Blackburn or the Imagine school?? If so, what do you think? If I want my child to go to another school next year, I have to register now for school choice. If anyone has any information on any of the schools, I would appreciate feedback.
We are looking forward to moving and meeting lots of new neighbors! Are there lots of kids in the community?