Kids shortchanged again
Sure sounds like we are getting the run around for our kids to protect the biggies & teacher salaries and benefits and Delith too...Time to move kids elsewhere- where they care for our kids.
By Dad
Parents need to be involved
Sounds like the budget crunch and retiring teachers along with new hires may not be making things easy for kids. Parents and students alike should touch base with the school committee as well as going to a school committee meeting on a third Tuesday to comment, but there was mention of the board of regents that Pawtucket was trying to resolve district wide.
By Arthur
Do they listen?
It is a hassle to get there early and they just seem to give lip service and talk about everything but the problem's solution. We can't do it this way cause of this facing us....and on and on.
By Father
School Committee 15th
Tomorrow nite! Who else is going to the school committee to see what they are doing to protect our kids and help them graduate?
By FedUp