Nobody is blaming you, or putting fault on you. It's common sense to secure your items and do not put anything in plain sight, however distractions occur & things happen. If you don't like how Code Blue for RT is run, then at the next elections, elect or suggest someone else at the annual elections, that's what the bi-annual meetings are for. I agree things may be different with different HOA officers, but I do not currently have the time or the expertise to suggest myself as someone.
If you go to a sporting event, or a club anywhere in the Dallas area, there are frequent signs to secure all items, take all items from plain sight and secure them in the trunk, etc. Unfortunately it is a sign of the times. Although I do not have kids, sometimes I have relative's kids or my girlfriend and her kids with me, and yes, sometimes they forget to lock the door. Since I do not transport anyone but myself that often, I do make it a point to check the doors and hit the locking button on my car's remote just to be sure. Criminals talk to each other and with the size of our neighborhood, they will tell their friends that RT is ripe picking. We (including myself) all need to be extra careful & aware of our surroundings. I have noticed that it seems our neighborhood is slacking big time, I was apalled that our paid membership was only 17 out of 1500 residents. Does anyone even care anymore?