There is a known speeder in our subdivision. I have witnessed it many many times in regards to the speeds of this individual. Just this past weekend I noticed that he was coming up the street at a very high rate of speed to simply turn the corner at a rate that about made his truck go on two wheels. It is a Nissan 4 door grey truck he drives at least minimum of 48 tp 50 miled an hour and i have clocked him coming around the corner of my house at approximately 38 miles an hour. I have parked my car out side of the drive way in hopes that it will slow this persons speeds. He is a person that is old enough to no better. I have addressed him many times with no avail. I am X-Millitary and I don't have a problem expressing my feelings in this regards. I beleive that this person lives around the 9065 location. I have yet approached this person as he drives to fast to even consider saying anything as I couldn't get a word in before they are already down the street. Can I report this to Fort worth PD? it is sickening me to think of he hits my child or a neighbors kid because he doens't understand speed and stopping distance factors apply.