Start A Holiday Tradition...
The Roseland Heights Community Gardens have been decorated for the Holidays since 2009 and many blocks have theme decorations from time to time. The holiday season is a great time to start a tradition.
Traditions observed every year have great meaning for a neighborhood, because they give a sense of security and stability. They also create a sense of belonging and identity, since each neighborhood does things differently.
For 2013 RHCA would like every block to decorate their open space. (Parkway)
Each home owner could put a bow on the tree in their parkway (like 96th and Michigan) or decorate the light pole like 97th and Prairie). The East/West 99th Street Block Club volunteers, M. Porter & C. Bassette decorated 99th street & 99th place from King Dr. to Michigan. Maybe next year we could have a house decorating contest (provide an email address for voting) something to think about!
There will be more discussion at Feb.'s meeting.
RHCA Wishes You A Happy And Healthy Holiday Season!