10 Things All Young
Black Men Should Know
2) Value education, learning and reading. The more and better you can read for understanding, the freer and more powerful you will become.
3) Work hard. Many times, it is not what you know that makes you successful, but instead consistency, persistence, effort and dedication. Be sure to just "show up".
4) Respect women and girls. They hold up half the sky in our communities. Together we can accomplish great things in our families and communities.
5) Believe in something higher than yourself. Whether its religious, spiritual or philosophical, connect with and explore the larger universe and eternity.
6) Emulate strong, positive, intelligent Black men. Use them as your mentors and role models.
7) Be a leader! Exhibit courage, wisdom, vision and good decision-making skills to help your community improve. You are a natural leader. Others will follow your positive and righteous actions.
8) Respect and work with other young Black men to accomplish great things for your community. Teams of young Black men can accomplish what individuals cannot.
9) Study your history and culture. You are not alone, ever.
10) Choose positive peers, associates and friends. Those relationships will help determine your path in life.
For Black Male Achievement Week - February 2014