Answers for Amy
In regards to the cost of the web site, the BoD is currently considering our different options. The Property Management Company is willing to build a complete web site for the one time cost of $350. We can chose to have them do it or we can go any number of other directions.
As for any monthly costs, this again can be anywhere from $0 per month to $50 per month. Obviously, the BoD would like to minimize the cost as much as possible. I even see the potential that the Board site could help generate money, making it a revenue stream for the Association.
To maintain the official site, again we have many options. Property Management is willing to maintain it for us or it can be maintained by any Board member or even any resident. These are considerations the BoD still needs to decide.
As for your fourth question, it is a very common question regarding software, even in the corporate world.
Let me ask you this one question. Have you ever been to a web site looking for information and that web site was either too confusing or the information you were seeking was not there or just too hard to find?
The BoD is hoping that by having a web site that is easily navigatable, has all the information anyone ever wanted to know and was user-friendly, more people would utilize the web site. The official web site would not only be for residents, but for people interestd in purchasing a home in the community.
It all comes down to the technology available. With our own web site, the Board can do much more than is possible with this web site. The newsletter that was just sent out could be available on the site just as you recieved it in the mail.
If you would like to dicuss this matter further, the BoD will be making decisions at the upcoming board meetings. If you would like to have some input or give your opinions, that was we are here for. I invite you to attend the next Board meeting.
If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know.
- David Sobelman
U.S. Home Representative
In regards to the cost of the web site, the BoD is currently considering our different options. The Property Management Company is willing to build a complete web site for the one time cost of $350. We can chose to have them do it or we can go any number of other directions.
As for any monthly costs, this again can be anywhere from $0 per month to $50 per month. Obviously, the BoD would like to minimize the cost as much as possible. I even see the potential that the Board site could help generate money, making it a revenue stream for the Association.
To maintain the official site, again we have many options. Property Management is willing to maintain it for us or it can be maintained by any Board member or even any resident. These are considerations the BoD still needs to decide.
As for your fourth question, it is a very common question regarding software, even in the corporate world.
Let me ask you this one question. Have you ever been to a web site looking for information and that web site was either too confusing or the information you were seeking was not there or just too hard to find?
The BoD is hoping that by having a web site that is easily navigatable, has all the information anyone ever wanted to know and was user-friendly, more people would utilize the web site. The official web site would not only be for residents, but for people interestd in purchasing a home in the community.
It all comes down to the technology available. With our own web site, the Board can do much more than is possible with this web site. The newsletter that was just sent out could be available on the site just as you recieved it in the mail.
If you would like to dicuss this matter further, the BoD will be making decisions at the upcoming board meetings. If you would like to have some input or give your opinions, that was we are here for. I invite you to attend the next Board meeting.
If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know.
- David Sobelman
U.S. Home Representative