This neighborhood is around 65 % single family residence, 25% low density multiple residence, and 10% business and other. This is actually an in-city suburb.
Transportation, Noise, Zoning, Crime.
Over the past twenty plus years, the South Beacon Hill Neighborhood Council (SBHNC) has provided a forum for the people of the area.
We have been able to direct or redirect development, including the African American Academy, replacing a perfectly legal short plat development, which would have placed between 30 and 60 homes on the same property.
We have been part of the push to develop Beacon Ave S median from South Spokane to 39th S, a result of which the dust and dirt has been replaced with grass and trees.
We have been instrumental in Metro’s extension of trolley service to S Myrtle, providing service of 7 to 9 minute intervals, vice the old 20 minute service.
We have spearheaded the reclamation of Comet Lodge Cemetery, between 22nd S and 23rd S, fronting on S Graham.
We try to find solutions, not confrontations.
We pushed for a 4 way stop signs at Beacon & Orcas, and are discussing the posibility of extending the Metro electric service further south.
We hope you will attend.
This is a link to Seattle Public schools
The list does NOT include:
Aferican American Academy 8311 BEACON AV S 98118
Email us