South Covington Community Action Association

AGENDA for May 10, 2007 SCCAA Meeting

May 10 at Hands Pike Firehouse

May 10, 2007

6:30 pm Social ½ Hour 7:00 pm Meeting


1. Introductions

2. Approve minutes of last meeting

3. Recognize Belinda Bacovcin for her participation as South Covington’s representative on the Transportation Committee for the City’s Strategic Planning Process.

4. Great American Clean-Up Recap and Thank You to volunteers:

Taylor Bacovcin Deanne Huesman Rachel Huesman
Belinda Bacovcin Karen Tichenor Larry Tichenor
Zach Tichenor Mardi Fitch Thomas Withorn
Octavia McQueary Hugh McQueary Charleen Steinborn
Greg Waller Nancy Ray Ken Ray

5. Family Safety Fair Planning Update:

a. Date: May 12 2:00 – 5:00 pm at the Hands Pike Firehouse
b. Member Volunteer Duties for Event:
 Report from Committee Chair, Lil Eversole & Lori Kuntz
 Set-Up Review with volunteers
c. City Department scheduling update - Suzann Gettys
 Addition of Petting Zoo & Face Painters for event
d. Signage for Event

6. T-Shirts for SCCAA:
a. – Pricing
b. – Order Qty/Sizes

7. Elect Treasurer for SCCAA Organization
a. Should SCCAA have treasurer position? (motion & vote)
b. Amend By-Laws to reflect adoption of Treasurer position (motion & vote)
c. Nominations & Election of Treasurer (motion & vote)

8. Memorial Day Parade Participation

9. Replace Fire Department (Co. 5) Doorbell – volunteer project

10. Comments from the Chair

11. “Get it off your chest” (Please limit comments to 3 min. so everyone has an opportunity. If there is a larger issue, we can make it an agenda item for next meeting.)

12. Next meeting date June 14, 2007 6:30 pm Social ½ Hour, Meeting at 7:00 pm
at the Hands Pike Firehouse

Posted by suzanngettys on 05/02/2007
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