Tweaker Haven Part I

Posted in: Parker Homes

101 Tinker
Way - Slumlord Nightmare of Parker Homes

Sewage Boulevard

This "house", and I use that
term loosely, has been a perennial problem for Parker Homes residents.
This building was built in 1942 as "temporary" war housing to meet military
housing demand. Unfortunately, the Federal Government Government chose
to divest the property in 1947, without removing the dilapidated
buildings, as they had promised local officials. The Houses in Parker Homes
eventually were sold into private hands, many of whom became slumlords.
The former owner of this house was one such slumlord. He died recently,
and the "dwelling" is currently in probate court in Sacramento County Superior Court. After the most recent owner passed on, the supposed heir continued the practices of the previous owners and immediately rented the dwelling out to the first person with cash. Naturally, he did not conduct any background check on the "prospective" tenant who we soon found out was a well known methamphetamine abuser and drug dealer with multiple outstanding warrants.

The most recent "tenants" of this "house" were relatively harmless compared to some of  the previous "notorious" tenants whom have resided here. Our best estimates of illegal drug transactions at this site, is that in excess of $1 Million dollars has exchanged hands in the portals of this home alone since the 1960's. While there is absolutely no evidence linking the previous owners of this property to illegal drug transaction moneys, their rent receipts are definitely "tinged" with drug money. Unfortunately, the City has been reticent to deal with this poster child for abject neglect of rental responsibility and a litany of dangerous housing conditions. This "house" was brought to the attention of city housing officials approximately two
years ago, and they could not apparently find anything wrong with its condition.
With the exception of the recent sewage spill, the house is in as deplorable condition as when it was divested in 1947. It is mind boggling that a subsequent inspector was capable of finding over 20 significant dangerous Housing safety problems recently, including bare electrical wires.
The vast majority of deficiencies were present at the prior inspection.
Community perceptions that something was painfully amiss during the latter
housing inspection were directly communicated to the highest levels of
city Government, including the City Managers office,to no avail. Requests for an official investigation were never acknowledged by the City Manager's office.
(Continued next thread)

By Gary Collier

Tweaker Haven Part II

While the above pictured
"house" is currently boarded up and vacant, it is only part of our battle
for "Social Justice" for Parker Homes Terrace. We need this decrepit building
razed before more children's health are jeopardized by the harmful asbestos,
lead poisoning and other toxic pollutants which permeate this building.
While this site is well known for these problems in this as well other "houses", slumlords are not required by current city officials to remove or significantly upgrade these properties to protect the health of residents. The new owner, when probate is completed, will attempt to bring the property "up to code". Unfortunately, that doesn't mean much for our are, as their is no code for World War II housing tracts, as they were temporary. Sleazy lawyers for the slumlords have found a loophole
for defending these recalcitrant landowners. They utilize the defense that the city can't enforce code violations, when there were no applicable codes at the time of construction. The lawyers state that the Federal Government built the "house" in the first place, therefore what right does the City have to subsequently come along at a later date and say that the building is substandard.

Without any question this house, which originally sold for approximately $700.00 in 1947 is a serious drain upon neighboring property values due to aesthetics alone. When adding the noxious presence of illegal drug transactions, which must by California
law be reported by neighboring property owners at time of sale, is included,
this property is definitely having an overbearing derogatory influence by keeping property valuation down. Many "houses" in our community with similar construction materials are primarily marketed for between $5,000 to $18,000, and quickly snapped up by scruples slumlords who then rent them out for $500.00 a month rent, no questions asked. Any tenant whom subsequently complains about the property conditions, such as drafty conditions from broken windows and lack of insulation, at this and similar properties are told to either fix it themselves or move. Any tenant who has the audacity to call code enforcement is given the dreaded 30 day

It is high time that all governmental officials, including Federal, State and local, be held responsible for finally correcting the horrible cavalcade of governmental abuses which has beset our neighborhood since its divestiture in 1947.
Unlike most neighborhoods, we have justification and authority to blame
not only the Administration of every Sacramento Mayor since 1964, but the
United States Army Corps of Engineers, which has oversight responsibility
of this Formerly Utilized Defense Site (FUDS), the Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD), congressional representatives for their failure to adequately deal with FUDS issues, Sacramento County, and most particularly our former Governor, "Mister Mean" Pete Wilson, who appointed a former Housing
and Community Development Administration official whom indicated that "it isn't my job" in reference to dealing with housing issues specifically listed above.

By Gary Collier

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