Saddleback Mountain Homeowners' Association

Mr Stewart' s Offer? Not quite

Posted in: Evergreen Park Estates
  • Stock
  • bhatch
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Evergreen, CO
  • 10 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
I have recently purchased a piece of property on Isenberg Lane. Mr Stewart did call to inquire if I would sell him the lot.I then named a fair market price of $45,000.
Mr Stewart is in the business of Real Estate I would think he knows how to write a RE contract. I have never received a contract from Mr Stewart.An inquiry is not an offer.
Mr. Stewart is deliberately misleading the members of this HOA.
Today the lot is not for sale.
  • Stock
  • pongo
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 17 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

I am not misleading anyone.

And as someone inolved in Real Estate I know ethical from unethical and altruism from avarice.

Ms. Hatch was actively seeking speculative property in EPE while on the HOA Board which is unethical on the face of it.

Remember, she liked the lot next to me, but had she liked the lot next to YOU she'd have bought that and tried to score $40Gs from YOU. She's put a $5G bet down on the ultimate failure of the HOA and the covenants. Check her last line, ''Today'' the lot is not for sale.

Turn out for the 5/24 meeting and take steps to protect yuourself from Speculators and from this Imperial HOA Board!
  • Stock
  • bhatch
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Evergreen, CO
  • 10 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

As far as I know it is no crine to own property in the U.S., even if you are free, white and single.
Mr Stewart is angry, I understand, he has never been nice to me, he has called me names and now is attacking my ethics,which I would encourage him to tread lightly. Mr. Stewart is all bound up in what I paid for the lot, which should not matter. Mr stewart has neglected to mention the value that would be added to his home if he were to aquire Lot 23 (my lot).
I write mortgages, I know a little about RE also, I sepculate that if Mr. Stewart were to aquire Lot 23, his current home would be valued at $50 - 75 K more than it is today.
It is my opinion that Mr. Stewart dropped the ball, he is angry and because of his anger is unable to see that I really did offer him the lot at one time, for a value less than ''market value''.
An example would be, a friend of mine owns property in Evergreen Valley Estates, she has two lots, her second ''vacant'' lot is valued by the County to be $133,800.
I have invested over three years of my time and energy to EPE HOA, I love where I live, I appreciate Mr. Stewarts position, if he lets his bullheaded attitude get in the way of his clear vision, he may be looking at a new neighbor, I honestly do not know what will become of that lot. It was a risk for me to purchase it, I can guarantee I will not give a person so filled with hate towards me a $35,000 bonus, even if he is a bully.
Come vote May 24, at 7:00 pm, Evergreen Community Church of Christ, which I arranged and have planned with the rest of the Board. Thank you.
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