Safe Streets

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To reduce and eliminate conditions which adversely impact Muscatine such as violence, crime, drugs and unhealthy living conditions. To also be a resource for families, individuals and neighborhoods hoping to bring about permanent changes which will enhance the quality of life in Muscatine.

Meeting dates & locations

Midtown HEART - 614 Mulberry - 1st Monday @ 7:00
Tree of Hope - 614 Mulberry - 1st Monday @ 7:00
Cedar Central - 614 Mulberry - 1st Monday @ 7:00
Greenway Neighbors - 1715 Houser - 1st Tuesday @ 6:30
President's Hill - Hardee's North - 1st Thursday @ 7:00
North End - 2422 Park Ave - 2nd Monday @ 5:00
Cedar Park Neighbors - 1816 Logan - 2nd Tuesday @ 5:00
Riverview Heights - Call 264-6062- 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00
Spring - 908 E 9th - 2nd Thursday @ 7:00
Riverbend - Hardee's South - 3rd Monday @ 7:00
Mark Twain - 1903 Park Ave - 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00
Southend United - 1001 Oregan - 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00
Westside - 401 Iowa - 3rd Thursday @ 7:00
4th St Park - 401 Iowa - 3rd Thursday @ 7:00
Sycamore - 401 Iowa Ave. - 3rd Thursday @ 7:00
Neighborhood Community Council - 614 Mulberry Ave - 4th Monday @ 7:00
Tower Neighbors - 106 E 6th - 4th Thursday @ 7:00

By getting involved with Safe Streets, a program that places the responsibility for community improvement at the grass roots -- the city's residents. Safe Streets encourages people like you to take ownership of their neighborhood. And it provides a support network to help.

Pages & Links

Pages created by us and Links concerning our neighborhood and local area.
External Links


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Several weeks ago I noticed a rooster "crowing" at early hours in the morning. Just recently I have heard another and the two "crow" back and forth at eachother during different points of the day.... more
Started: August 27th 2014Replies: 5

Safe Streets-KIP Public Meeting Planning for Block...

Knowlege is Power Public Meeting on 7/19 at Woodlawn Community Center 210 West Ave Melissa DaRosa 3050027 for further information more
Started: July 14th 2012Replies: 0


Started: January 13th 2014Replies: 0
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Resource Guide
Tips for Dealing with Hoarders in your HOA
HoardThere are many misconceptions about hoarding some of which involve the victims mental well being.
Home Fire Safety
Areyouready_037_thStaying safe before, during, and after a house fire
Soft Bedding May Be Hazardous To Babies
Safebedding2Great recommendations on safe bedding practices when putting infants down to sleep.
How To Lend Money To A Family Member...
Handshakesm. Keep your relationship with your family and the IRS intact with these simple steps

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