Sage Creek Community News

New Website for SC?

Posted in: Sage Creek Community News
I hear that we are getting a new website. Is that true? If so, why and what are the benefits? Just wondering.
New Website Answer

At the annual meeting in June, we announced that we were working on a new website to be unveiled in the fall. We are diligently working to have the new site available and ready to use as of October 12, 2005.
The purpose of the new website is to improve comunications within the community and allow residents to quickly and easily find information about the events and activities in Sage Creek.
A few of the new features will include but are not limited to a what's new section, announcements, live chat, message board, events calendar, documents and surveys.
Within the next few days, homeowners will be receiving a letter with specific information in regards to the website, the features and how to log-in.
Once the website has been launched, we encourage each of you to explore the new site and let us know what would make the site more useful to you. Again, the new site will be launched on October 12, 2005. Enjoy!
How Much $$$ ?

Our current website, although somewhat limited, is free. How much is this ''new and improved'' website going to cost the HOA (you & me)?
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