Help Them Do The Right Thing!
We simply need to coordinate and communicate with all the appropriate officials in a way that they become willing To Do The Right Thing!
Suggest all, repeat, all in our neighborhood send along their thoughts, ideas, names, phone numbers, and email addresses to Sharada so we can compile the group who will push this thing over the top. It may work much better if we time and organize our campaign with the appropriate people, with the appropriate messages, to involve the folks who can help get the thing done well. We do need to focus and move forward, and it seems Sharada can lead us, for we have both Autumn Park and Cedar Park roads that need what the city calls ''traffic calming.'' We need to act in unison to help the city officials understand we are willing to help them Do The Right Thing, especially when it comes to safety in our neighborhood. Time to step up. That ''someone will do it'' is you and me.