i would like to know who enjoys the traffic we are now experiencing along sonoma parkway, during peaks and otherwise?
i ask this because there have been several rezoning signs placed at hausman/sonoma parkway and kyle seale/sonoma parkway.
the signs have the following info:
case #: Z2007045
contact : David
phone# :207-3074
based on the information i've seen, look forward to increased traffic due to businesses and apartments that the rezoning will allow for. as it is now, the city has failed miserably at providing any meaningful form of traffic controls at either terminii of sonoma parkway. unless you consider: the police officer who is sometimes called out to do traffic control(sonoma parkway/kyle seale pkwy), cutting across primrose daycare center, cutting across through the summit gate to the kyle seale pkwy gate as adequate solutions.
from the traffic impact analysis threshold worksheet, traffic is listed as currently being 535.92 vehicles per peak hour and an anticipated 4,309 per peak hour after the rezoning if approved. since the community is located over the recharge zone, there will be an impact on the acquifer. saws will be providing a impact study to the zoning commission.
does anyone in the sonoma ranch community find this acceptable? please share your thoughts on this thread. i myself would like to know what others are thinking about this in preparation for january's hoa meeting.
By richard
i ask this because there have been several rezoning signs placed at hausman/sonoma parkway and kyle seale/sonoma parkway.
the signs have the following info:
case #: Z2007045
contact : David
phone# :207-3074
based on the information i've seen, look forward to increased traffic due to businesses and apartments that the rezoning will allow for. as it is now, the city has failed miserably at providing any meaningful form of traffic controls at either terminii of sonoma parkway. unless you consider: the police officer who is sometimes called out to do traffic control(sonoma parkway/kyle seale pkwy), cutting across primrose daycare center, cutting across through the summit gate to the kyle seale pkwy gate as adequate solutions.
from the traffic impact analysis threshold worksheet, traffic is listed as currently being 535.92 vehicles per peak hour and an anticipated 4,309 per peak hour after the rezoning if approved. since the community is located over the recharge zone, there will be an impact on the acquifer. saws will be providing a impact study to the zoning commission.
does anyone in the sonoma ranch community find this acceptable? please share your thoughts on this thread. i myself would like to know what others are thinking about this in preparation for january's hoa meeting.
By richard