Once again the Parkwood annual meeting was less than stellar. I was happy to see a lawyer present to ensure that order was conducted in a professional manner and the agenda was followed using correct protocol. In the defense of the board this new proceedure was awkward- making sure all motions, ayes and nays accounted for- and made for slow going, but it followed the rules of order for a meeting. Hurray!
As a whole the board was prepared with as up to date information as possible and did provide handouts. And there is a plether of information in the Parkwood Newsletter and available
on-line for getting the things you need. For security reasons some documents cannot be posted on-line, nor needs to mailed out to everyone.
While I don't speak for everyone, most residents agree we want our properties to retain their values, have a safe environment in which to live and raise our families, have our ammenities kept in good order and finally have a ''voice'' in the way our community functions. When issues arise that are out of our hands we trust the HOA board, and the Association Management Services to address our concerns in a timely manner. That hasn't always been the case, but I see improvement in that area as well. Thank You! From the meeting several residents had serious, and legitimate issues they were dealing with, and needed help with. For those things--HOA board-- that is where we really need you up to step up, and speed on what and how things get done so those things can be taken care of. Maybe posting some more Points of contact would be helpful.
Another point, many people did not get to speak their peace due to the constant noise in the background or the continual interuptions prior to the ''open forum'' where new business can be discussed. Not good! If you expect the board to conduct a meeting following the rules of order, residents should as well.
The response to the new bylaw ammendments were the boards attempt to get our HOA running better, and fill in a hole...yet instead of just raising the points in the bylaws that needed adjusting suddenly at 930pm a motion is made and seconded to scratch them, and all new bylaws be voted on by the homeowners. Okay, now that involves even more participation from Parkwood residents...to From the sparse attendance at other meetings where quorum's haven't been met I am now hoping our residents step up to the plate. Residents have real concerns outside the ''politics'' of the HOA, that affect our neigborhood like properties owners who refuse to comply with basic care and maintenance of their homes, absentee property owners who disregard the rental agreements, graffitti, stray or vicious animals, and needs to build a community by having social events and such. I know lots of ideas have been bounced around about what we can start, or have at our community center. Not everyone will agree but this is NOT an US and THEM, BUT a WE. WE all should be working to keep our neighborhood a place of pride! Thank you.
As a whole the board was prepared with as up to date information as possible and did provide handouts. And there is a plether of information in the Parkwood Newsletter and available
on-line for getting the things you need. For security reasons some documents cannot be posted on-line, nor needs to mailed out to everyone.
While I don't speak for everyone, most residents agree we want our properties to retain their values, have a safe environment in which to live and raise our families, have our ammenities kept in good order and finally have a ''voice'' in the way our community functions. When issues arise that are out of our hands we trust the HOA board, and the Association Management Services to address our concerns in a timely manner. That hasn't always been the case, but I see improvement in that area as well. Thank You! From the meeting several residents had serious, and legitimate issues they were dealing with, and needed help with. For those things--HOA board-- that is where we really need you up to step up, and speed on what and how things get done so those things can be taken care of. Maybe posting some more Points of contact would be helpful.
Another point, many people did not get to speak their peace due to the constant noise in the background or the continual interuptions prior to the ''open forum'' where new business can be discussed. Not good! If you expect the board to conduct a meeting following the rules of order, residents should as well.
The response to the new bylaw ammendments were the boards attempt to get our HOA running better, and fill in a hole...yet instead of just raising the points in the bylaws that needed adjusting suddenly at 930pm a motion is made and seconded to scratch them, and all new bylaws be voted on by the homeowners. Okay, now that involves even more participation from Parkwood residents...to From the sparse attendance at other meetings where quorum's haven't been met I am now hoping our residents step up to the plate. Residents have real concerns outside the ''politics'' of the HOA, that affect our neigborhood like properties owners who refuse to comply with basic care and maintenance of their homes, absentee property owners who disregard the rental agreements, graffitti, stray or vicious animals, and needs to build a community by having social events and such. I know lots of ideas have been bounced around about what we can start, or have at our community center. Not everyone will agree but this is NOT an US and THEM, BUT a WE. WE all should be working to keep our neighborhood a place of pride! Thank you.