Please give us your name when you post information to our neighborhood web site. Under Neighborhood Information, Parkwood Contacts there are five people's names, the Association Manager, three directors, and me. I am guessing but one of the directors usually supervises the security detail and usually is most informed about this topic. Marisela DeLeon is always helpful and may be the best one to ask about this information. What would be good is to tell her that you would like to post her response to the web site as well as learn which of the three directors is the appropriate one to contact. I suspect that although this is fair information for you to request, I am uncertain whether the directors would judge it wise to post any/much of it. As I presume you live in the neighborhood the board of directors meets every once in a while and perhaps you could make your case best with a visit at one of their meetings. Also it would be valuable for all of us to learn what you learn, so please post what you learn here. I would suggest you offer a couple of ideas of how the security reports could be made public, if perhaps not posted on the web site here, could the board have recorded some of this information at a phone number that we could call into every so often to hear the latest, etc. Consider some ideas like this and see what the board can do to help in this area. Only suggestions.....
Good luck and let us know what you learn.
Mike McCormack