Kermit keeps harping on the cost of rehabbing Building R. The previous BOD approved $35K for the rehab of Bldg R. Final cost of the project was almost $70K. $15K of that amount was spent on Unit 121 repairing the chimney, replacing patio doors, replacing carpet, replacing tile, painting the living room and rebuilding the inside fireplace. All approved by PSI without informing the BOD. Extenuating circumstances caused PSI to combine a work order for repair of the chimney and living room area of Unit 121 into the total cost of the rehab project. This work along with the extreme termite damage led to the cost over run. The management company, PSI, was in charge of the rehab and oversaw the entire project. PSI failed to keep the BOD informed about change orders and the actual cost of the project as severe termite damage was discovered. There was nothing the BOD could do when the PSI manager didn't tell the truth about total costs of a project until the project was near completion. PSI was operating with the consent of the BOD and there was nothing the BOD could do to recover the cost overrun on the rehab project according to an attorney which was hired at a later date.
Had the 2 projects, repair of Unit 121 and rehab of Bldg R been kept separate the cost overrun on the rehab project would have been considerably less.
There wasn't another building in this complex that was eaten up with termite damage the way Bldg R was at the time of the rehab. Photos exist should any know it all want to see the real truth.
Also why is Kermit telling people that they can mount a dish on the roof? It was my understanding that they can only be mounted outside the units ON THE CHIMNEY NEAR THE ROOF.