Sandspoint West HOA

Cat's issue but first about the former SPW board

Posted in: Sandspoint West
  • Stock
  • jamesn
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Dear Sands Point West homeowners & renters,
I would like to discuss about the cat's issue that has been circulating around by a few individuals whose aim is to divide & fragment the board and the homeowners. Apparently they are trying to lure some homeowners to their side. Their underlying purpose - to get proxies in order to vote us down and take over the board.  Some new homeowners may not know this, the main person behind the scene, Cecilia Mahar, was the former board President who authorized for her board's Vice President, Ernest Crawford, to get paid $88 per hour as a "consultant" for her board. He earned $4,400 per month, our money! Read the following summary:
"The total maximum hours, Site Obervation and Professional Management combined, without Board approval shall be (50) hours per month at the rate of $88 per hour. The maximum amount of total services rendered without Board approval shall then be $4,400. The max hours per month was discussed and signed off by Cecilia Mahar on 8/8/05."
This is in direct violation of Sands Point West bylaws that a board member is strictly voluntary and should NOT be paid by the Association's money. 
Next time if you walk by the mailbox, just take a look around and see if the ramp, park, lighting and trash can cost this much:
Lighting project    $6,985
Trash can + bench $2,231.96
Ramp & Railing    $22,976
Total                    $32,282.96
Yes, that was the amount Cecilia's board spent and that amount alone could rehab building D with brand new hardie blank.
As if that was not enough, Cecilia's board attempted to borrow $2 Millions from a bank with the reason that they needed the money for building rehabs. Without a doubt if they succeeded, that money would flow through their hands like water and we would not be able to pay back and could go into default. Then our assessment fees would be increased at least 20% to be able to pay back.
Sands Point West homeowers immediately took action and voted Cecilia's entire board down in 2006 annual meeting.
  • Stock
  • jamesn
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 17 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Now the cats issue. Stray cats is a city-wide problem and not just our neighborhoods. The City created and supported T-N-R, Trap-Neuter-Return program.  The best and the most humane way is to capture  them, neuter them and return them to where they were found.  That way, the stray cat population at that area would stabilize and would keep new stray cats from coming in. Cassandra did exactly just that.  She has captured them, neutered them and tagged them as the City has suggested.  Due to her stray cat population remaining stabilized for the past 15 years, she has in fact helped our community to prevent new stray cats from coming  in and expand exponentially.  In fact all of her cats are 15 - 18 years old. Here is the City website that y'all could read:



As for some valid complaints from the homeowners who are not associated with Cecilia and her accomplice, please understand that there are other homeowners who also raise cats and let them lose. They also come from the motel at the back. There is nothing the board could do as it's impossible to force homeowners and the motel tenants to keep their cats on a leash. The best we could advise is to keep your garage door completely closed at all times. You could put used coffee ground in a used can and put it at a corner of your garage. Cats hate coffee ground. Also spread it around the grassy area around your property. Please do not put dog food in your patio as possums could follow the food source.


Please feel free to provide your input and hope we could participate in a positive discussion.




  • Stock
  • jamesn
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 17 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

I forgot to include the city's website for Trap-Neuter-Return program:


One more comment: If anyone is coming & knocking on your door to get proxies, please be careful to whom you are giving your proxies to. That could be Cecilia herself, or one of her accomplice. There is information that she is changing her name so she could even knock on your door claiming she has nothing to do with any previous old board president whose name was "Cecilia". She could even claim she's gathering proxies for the current board.
To be safe, please do not give anyone your proxies, just send it to Randall along with your assessment fee's check. Or write our names on the proxies that you would vote for: John Atar, Kermit James, James Nguyen, Faraq and Shamim. 
Thank you,
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