Seneca Whetstone HOA

Fire Safety

Posted in: Washingtonian Tower
  • Stock
  • tmanh
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Hi everyone,

Over a week ago came from Texas to visit my child. On the way from the airport to his aparment he confided to me that he and his wife did not live at the appartment that he had told me he would move in, and that they were actually living in a high-rise apartment. The reason why he wants to conceal his residence address from me is that Washingtonian Tower does not have a Sprinle System.

I have been very unconfortable since I came back home. I have advised my son to contact the local Fire Department and try to organize a meeting between them and the residents at the tower in order to discuss the fire safety issue.

I hope every one living in the tower to view this safety issue as a vitally important one and I hope we adopt a pro-active in stead of a reactive approach.

Best regards,

Tammy Manh
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