As the world turns - it seems that each and every day, there is something somewhere highlighting information about SEX OFFENDERS. There are basically three types that you as a homeowner should know about - LEVEL ONE (1), LEVEL TWO (2), AND LEVEL THREE (3). Let's talk a little about the difference between each level.... LEVEL ONE (1) offenders are considered to be the "least likely to offend again"; LEVEL TWO (2) offenders are considered to "possibly offend again"; LEVEL THREE (3) offenders are considered to "most likely offend again".... By law, LEVEL THREE (3) offenders are the only category that requires - what I term - "public posting"... What is public posting? If you take a trip to your local police station, chances are that as soon as you walk into the front entrance - somewhere in close proximity - will be a bulletin board posting info pertinent to the public.... Guess what - if there is a "registered level 3 sex offender" living, working, and/or frequenting a location in your town - there will be a very informative document on that bulletin board, containing a picture, list of offenses, conviction dates, etc. - of the offender.... LOOK AT IT - READ IT - REMEMBER IT!!!! One thing to keep in mind, is that many offenders (level 2 and 3) do not actually register with the local police department - which is against the law, and in essence - they are considered to be in violation of the statute requiring ALL LEVEL 2 AND LEVEL 3 OFFENDERS TO REGISTER... Keep this in mind, for you may leave the police station thinking you have ALL THE INFO YOU NEED, but don't forget - those that did not properly register, could be much closer than you think!!!! You also have the right - as a member of the community - to request a listing of the LEVEL TWO (2) OFFENDERS - these people are not required to be "publicly posted" - so - ask the dispatcher to allow you to fill out a request form - which the Chief of Police will either approve or disapprove - depending upon what you state is the reason why you want the info.... If it basically is to increase your awareness because you have children attending schools - more than likely, it will be approved. If however, you intend on using the info to become a vigilante and chase after and confront the offenders - I can guarantee you, it will be might find yourself in some HOT WATER, BECAUSE THIS IS CLEARLY AGAINST THE LAW.....YOU CAN NOT HARRASS THE OFFENDERS!!!! If you feel that you need more research info - go to the WEBSITE OFFERED BY THE STATE OF MA (SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION BOARD /S.O.R.B.) - it is very detailed, and should satisfy your curiousity. One of the nice things about this site, is that there is a section where you can pick any town, and find out the most current totals of level 2 and level 3 offenders in that town. They even list the ones that are "in violation / wanted by the police for failure to register" - this is a great tool!!!! How do you SHARE THIS INFO WITH YOUR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN? GREAT QUESTION, AND FOR EACH FAMILY - THERE IS A DIFFERENT ANSWER.... more to come.....