I think not as this place has been on the wrong track compared to other towns and cities prospering as we fall down. Drive by the dreary depot and the "hotel" and the riverfront still is unused when people have talked and talked of plans from recreation & Tidewater Villages to Osprey nests. We have seashells on the riverfront, so at least I guess that it keeps the dust of nothingness from heading to the Mayor's office.
The homeless were shamelessly chased to ST JOES when I have found no folks of bad behaviour when they met me or friends. The lack of police patrols and cutbacks for those not in the know has not hindered the elevations of the incrowd to positions and the layoffs of those who are not in , certainly talk to our stalemated Pawtucket.
This must be such a cushy job for the Mayor that after 11 years, he still has time to visit Lincoln rather than dealing with our problems. I resent the fact that we have 6 million dollars on the ballot- right $6,000,000 for bonding long term the short term needs on the backs of us voters. This is even after a tax increase and yet the state has $90 million total for the whole state.
I think Doyle has picked our pockets long enough so it time to switch horses for a train to get to the right destination. Time to get on the Grebien train for changing to positive Pawtucket. It may not be the perfect one like the national choices, but it is time for CHANGE!