I'm am beyond frustrated with the grass that is taking over our yard on all sides of our house!!!! Not only has the "common area" behind our house not been touched (which is now a good 2 feet tall) the house to the right of us is for sale with no owners and no one cares about it and to the left of us they mowed the front "woo hoo" but have not touched the back. My house is for sale because i am sick and tired of paying 36 dollars a month and seeing NOTHING in return. I put my trash can behind my fence and mow sometimes twice a week to make sure everything is looking nice. But why the hell am i doing all of this when no one else is!!!! I urge you to take a walk around this neighborhood and check out the many crappy yards! Then i want you to take a walk to my cul-de-sac on old ash ct. Come knock on my door at 9112 old ash ct and i will show you the crap we have to look at everyday out of our windows!!!!!! I hope to GOD my house sells soon but who would want to live in a house surrounded by crappy yards!!!!!
I think it is great with all the other activities that do go on in the neighborhood with parties and all the communtiy envolvement there. But we really need to step up on the YARDS. No matter how good my house looks on the inside and out when people pull up and see the neighbors i don't blame them to keep on driving!!!
Also for almost 1 year now we have had a light out on our street. This cul-de-sac gets really dark at night and i think my 36 dollars a month should cover a light bulb!!!
I hope to see an HOA member soon to take care of these problems...before I call the management company and then head to the city to get this fixed!!!!!