Please know that I am not a dog hater. I have two myself. However, everyday when I leave to work somebody walks their dog and lets their dog deficate and urinate in my yard. There are green belts all over the neighborhood (including right across the street from my house). Let your dog deficate there (if not in your own yard) and scoop it up. So, it doesn't become the landscapers problem. Everyday I see a young girl walk her boxer and she always has a bag in hand. Bravo miss!!! Your efforts have not gone unoticed. If she can be responsible then so should others. I try to take care of my lawn and it upsets me when I have dead spots due to dogs urinating in the same place. It also upsets me that I cannot walk on the grass that I worked hard to make green, because someone elses dog(not mine) deficates in my yard. In addition, I do not think that it is right when people walk their dogs without a leash. I know that you are comfortable that your dog won't hurt people, but that still does not make other people in the surronding area feel any safer,including children. Please be a good neighbor and a resposible dog owner...Do not let your dog poop in other people's yard. Please scoop when your dog poops in the GREEN BELTS, and always walk your dog on a leash.