This is just to let people know that on Monday, 7/21, we had an attempted burglary at our house on Candelaria in the Summit. Broad daylight, 12:30 pm (lunch time!), they attempted to open a window into the garage on the front side of the street. We always have our alarm on & it did go off, & police drove by, etc., no one was spotted, & we were not at home. It seems they were trying to pop open a window into the garage & from there try to unlock the door into the house. I am almost always at home during the day, so we feel it was a random try (possibly they may have just rung the door bell & with no answer just thought no one was home), but the timing just didn't make sense. We also back up to the greenbelt area, so it was interesting that they tried for a window in the front of the house. So, just be sure your doors from your garages into the house are locked & you use your alarms ! Our Brinks Security did a great job of trying to locate us & notifying the police.