South Manor Neighborhood Association (SMNA) conducts General Body meetings every first Wednesday that are open to anyone in the community and are always held at 6:30pm in the the Fellowship Hall of Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ (5301 N Capitol St NE).
The South Manor Neighborhood Association (SMNA) was organized in 1965 to promote a safe, viable, stable, clean, and livable community, where all people are accepted regardless of race, creed, color or national origin and where they can live in common cause with their neighbors.
The South Manor Neighborhood Association was established in 1965 by area residents and concerned citizens to prevent the building of the North Central Freeway – a planned 10 lane nine mile expressway that could have resulted in wholesale neighborhood demolition, with hundreds of homes completely removed and thousands of residents forced to relocate in order to make space for the freeway and the expansive interchanges planned for it. After years of unyielding and unrelenting protests from D.C. residents including groups like South Manor Neighborhood Association, the National Capital Planning Commission withdrew plans to construct the freeway in 1977.
South Manor Neighborhood Association continues its proud tradition to this day, as an active advocate for a sound community supporting peaceful, stable, viable and sustainable neighborhoods, and a good quality of life for all its residents. It also fostered the establishment of neighborhood block clubs, including the Unit Block Club of Longfellow Street Northwest.
During the 2009 - 2010 calendar year, SMNA has:
Each agency has ongoing activities within our community that are reviewed at monthly meetings