Our load will soon be gone. Thank goodness. For someone who has resigned and moved out. He still is trying to demand how we should run our community.
You are right, I am stubborn and will not back down from anyone. BTW, JR called the city about my firewood that I burn at my home and store next to it. The man said every neighborhood has an AxxHxxe and yours is obviously running your HOA. He said there was nothing wrong with where I keep my wood. He then talked to the neighbors and none of them had a problem with it either. One of the neighbors is a Minister. He has a ladder on the side of his barn. JR told him he could not store it there. The minister told him basically to mind his own business. This man is the salt of the earth and would not say crap if he had a mouthful.
JR, I guess you just bring out the best in everyone.