Southmoor Gardens Neighborhood Association

Short Sample Letter

Posted in: Southmoor Gardens
December 14, 2005

Re: Rezoning No. 2005-21 - Vicinity of the northeast corner of 71st Street and Metcalf Ave.

To the City of Overland Park Mayor and Council Members:

I am writing to ask the Overland Park City Council to vote NO on Rezoning No. 2005-21 (northeast corner of 71st Street and Metcalf Ave.), from R-l (low density residential) to RP-3 (high-density residential).

Residents in the surrounding area strongly and unanimously oppose this rezoning application and feel there are a great number of compelling reasons as to why the application should be denied. Rezoning this site would negatively impact the surrounding neighborhoods. Lack of adequate infrastructure, declining property values, the rezoning precedent set, traffic congestion, public safety, and storm drainage are just a few of the concerns neighbors will present to the City Council at the 12/19 meeting.

I would greatly appreciate your support of the established surrounding neighborhoods and your rejection of Rezoning No. 2005-21.

Thank you,
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